A fan of
Coach Outlet handbags, I was really put off by the overly precise tucks and pleats adorning the pockets on the front side of the bag. But did this bag completely ruin that particular style of pleating for me? At first, I thought it had. Then I saw the Coach handbags! This was another bag with precise tucks and pleats.
The difference, however,
Cheap coach handbags was that they encompassed the entire bag and created a graceful wave-like pattern. Somehow, this seemed much more appealing to me. But perhaps this style of pleating on such a large bag was a bit too much. That’s when my attention turned to the piece you see pictured here. Meet the Coach Clutch!This lovely clutch is the appropriate size for such a bold pattern of pleats. You get the look, but you don’t feel so overwhelmed. Even the wave-like pattern was maintained! Gorgeous! This
Coach Handbags clutch would be perfect for just about any occasion, whether it be a formal affair or a more casual one.
Plus the leather looks so touchable and soft! I bet it feels really good to run your fingers over those pleats! My only regret with this clutch is the logo located front and center.
Coach Signature Handbags sort of distracts away from the beauty of the clutch. But I suppose it wouldn’t be a Coach bags without a Coach logo.
Newest style coach handbags from poppycoachbags.com 10.6